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Lab 8

Objectives: Video Editing

Equipment list: Vegas Movie Studio

Notes and Observations: This was a short lab on how to use video editing software. The lab included how to download videos from youtube and how to cite sources.

Diagrams, flowcharts, and figures:

References: Howarang Van, Cyber hacking surfing, K I want to believe the truth is out there? 2009. mp3

Questions: n/a

Conclusions: Video editing is simple and just takes time to tweek fine details, and a little creativity. and youtube is takes way too long to upload videos.

Networking Lab 7

Objectives: Set up a network simulating connecting two cities

Equipment list: 4 computers, 2 switches, 2 routers, ethernet cables, console cable

Notes and Observations: We built a basic network using subneting to connect two diffrent networks using routers. Key thing to remember is each connection between routers is its own network. We converted IP’s to binary to figure out what subnet class the IP range we picked was.

Diagrams, flowcharts, and figures: n/a


Questions: n/a

Conclusions: This lab took longer than others and we ultimatly found out that the computer i was working from had issues of its own. It seemed to be a hard topic for everyone to understand but I think I understand.

“Hacking!” refrences

These are the sources used in the Video Hacking! (my final project for networking)


2.Taylor, Paul A. (1999). Hackers. Routledge. (also avaliable online


4. Shon Harris, Allen Harper, Chris Eagle, Jonathan Ness & Michael Lester (2004). Gray Hat Hacking : The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.







Lab 6

Objectives: web hosting

Equipment list: two lab computers with filezilla and apache installed or access to the internet to download.

Notes and Observations: We learned how to host our own web server using Apache. We set up a sample web site and accessed it from another computer and used the ftp program filezilla to transfer files to the machine hosting the web server. I already had experiance using filezilla from hosting a minecraft server so the lab didnt take all that long.

Diagrams, flowcharts, and figures: n/a

References: and

Questions: n/a

Conclusions: lab on the basics of web server hosting, alot of room for expansion in this topic.

Week 4 blog

This monday we missed class due to weather and wensday we took a test on the OSI model.

Lab 3 The OSI Model

Objectives: In this lab we learn about the OSI model as a method of understanding modern computer networks.

Equipment list: Cisco Catalyst switch + two or more computers

Notes and Observations: We learn how to find our IP and MAC adresses using command prompt. We learned how to do basic commands on a Cisco Catalyst switch and we connected a small local network to look at how the MAC address table works.

Diagrams, flowcharts, and figures: n/aThe osi model

References: n/a

Questions: n/a

Conclusions: The OSI model is usefull for understanding how modern networks work.

Week 3 blog

This week we took a test on Monday that i missed and reviewed the answers on Wednesday then lab was canceled on Friday.

Blog 2 Networking

This week we started getting into learning the osi model which is easily one of the more important things to remember in networking. The teacher tried to make things less dry by playing songs to help us remember each layer. He used the same saying I learned to remember the layers, Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away and told us we wouldnt be going into the layers beyond the transport layer.

Blog 1 Networking

The networking class has a large number of people in the classroom part but the labs are small and I think the refresher on the osi model will help me in my career. We spent the first week going over cable types and explaining concepts like WANs (wide area networks) and LANs (local area networks) and the fact that your local area connection will be much faster then your wide area connection. We also covered things like not running cables over lights or other such objects that output electricity.

Week 2 Lab

Objectives: Learning cabling

Equipment list: Cat5, RJ45, crimpers

Notes and Observations: we learned how to wire cat5 cables and how to tip Cat5 with RJ45 connections and patchpanels. we also viewed Coax and fiber cables though we did not tip any of them.

Diagrams, flowcharts, and figures: n/a

References: n/a

Questions: n/a

Conclusions: Easy Lab on how to make cables